Following the crowd-pleasing political satire In Flagrante, which premiered on the 2023/24 Scottish Opera Opera Highlights tour, Emma Jenkins and Toby Hession present a daring new operetta set in the press room at Number 9 Downing Street.
When a scandal threatens to break about the front runner in a bloody leadership campaign, a lawyer is needed to prevent information from reaching the press. Sylvia Lawless from the firm Lawless, Lawless, Lawless and Crook must find the loopholes in this modern take on unsavoury behaviour.
A Matter of Misconduct! is presented in double bill with Gilbert and Sullivan’s Trial By Jury, directed by John Savournin.
Performances at Opera Holland Park 24th and 26th June.
More information here.
Librettist Emma Jenkins
Composer & Conductor Toby Hession
Director Laura Attridge
Designer takis
Lighting Designer Ben Pickersgill
Roger Penistone Ross Cumming
Sandy Hogg Jamie MacDougall
Cherry Penistone Chloe Harris
Sylvia Lawless Kira Kaplan
Hugo Cheeseman Edward Jowle